The event was started at 4.30 pm on 01/02/2018. Prof.Kanan Sebak Khandayat Ray,H.O.D. English, North Laxmipur Girls college lighted the lamp. The principal of the school welcomed all. The importance of ‘Utsarg’ was told by Sri Sanjay Karkare, Banprashsthi karyakarta of Vivekananda Kendra.
The 1st Hari Om session was taken by Prof.Khandayat Ray. He told about the secrets of Personality development. He narrated 10 points to be focused for the development of personality.
The 2nd Hari Om session was taken by Prof. Biren Kalita, Ex-H.O.D. Hindi, N.L.College, North Laxmipur. He explained the contributions of Swami Vivekananda in building modern India.
The Vandemataram program was conducted at 9 pm. Sri Hrusikesh Sahu told the significance of the program followed by Vandemataram audio. Complete silence was maintained during and after the program.
On 02/02/2018, day 2, Yoga & Pranayam class was taken by Sri R.Krishnamoorthy, P.E.T. at 6 am just after the Morning Prayer. All the student participants and teachers attended it.
After the morning assembly, ‘Hari Om’ session –III was started exactly at 8.45 am. Dr.Mukunda Rajbongshi , M.Sc.Math. Guwahati University,Retired Principal of North Laxmipur college addressed the students and spoke on the topic ‘Value Education’. He narrated his vast experiences and the teachings of great philosophers.
The subject classes were taken by teachers from 10.10am to 01.30 pm. All the subjects except science were taken by our school teachers. Sri Anupam Dey, teacher, VKV Yazali took the science class.
After lunch and rest the valedictory function began at 2.45 pm. Dr.Nabam Arun, V.S.,Kimin graced the occasion as the chief guest. The camp report was read out by Sri Navaneeta Krishnan, Teacher. 3 students shared their experiences of the Samaroh. Dr.Arun advised the students to grasp good things from the environment. The function ended at 3.45 pm with ‘Shanti Mantra’.
Out of 51 students, only 43 students attended in the ‘Utsarg’. All the teachers and the class-IX students helped in decorating the prayer hall and did all the arrangements. The students gave positive feedbacks regarding the Samaroh.