The students of Class-IX and Class-VI attended the Nature Education Trail Programme on 28th Nov & 6th Dec 2018 respectively. For Class-IX, it was a residential camp & for Class-VI it was only one day camp.

We along with the students reported at West Bank NIC Centre at 06:45 AM and the entire NCF and Pakke Tiger Reserve team welcomed us and escorted in the Khari Village which is 12 KMS away from West Bank.

After introduction, students were welcomed by a Tiger (Disguised- mask dressed) giving the message that Pakke has an abundant resources and to protect all the trees, animals, and birds. Children’s were divided into four houses and activities were given in groups. Activities like museum of leaves, treasure hunt, collection of seeds, drawing activities were assigned to the students.

Next day, the children were told by Resource persons  Devati Didi and Nupur Didi that students would be taken for long walking tour from Khari village. All the students felt exited. Accordingly, they were given leech socks and binoculars to observe Nature.

While going we could hear the sound of varieties of birds and watched through binoculars. Resource persons described about the species of the birds by showing the catalogues. The students were above given the knowledge of the types of forests and its different structure.

The keynotes of the forest ‘ICDCACA’ formula was also told the students with different kinds of attractive activities like photosynthesis- kitchen of the world, Interdependence, change diversity, adaptation-where students found it enjoyable and enthusiastically participated.

Another important feature of the camp was ‘Magic Spot’ where students sitting separately enjoyed the nature for 45 minutes. They were told to observe nature, draw pictures or create poems.
Each night camp fire was there near the tents where all the resource persons, guards, students and teachers sat around and shared the experiences for the whole days.

The Class-VI students were also given the same activities.



Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs