VKV Jirdin observed Swami Vivekananda Maha Samadhi Day at School Prayer hall. The Programme starts with three “ Om Kara’s”. Su. Indu Didi presented significance of the day and she explain the day on 4th July 1902 how Swami Vivekananda took Samadhi what was his dream for the country. At the young how Swami Vivekananda think about the nation. So as we all work in such an organization which had a dream of Swami Vivekananda “ Man Making Nation Building” we have to work for that we have to awake the peopleto work for the society and Nation. Our children is our future we have to work hard to make them a good citizen. After Didi’s speech all the teaching and non- Teaching staff offered the flowers on the Photographs of Swami Vivekananda.