Today on 21st June, 2018 VKV Jirdin celebrated International Yoga Day. The programme started at 6.00 a.m. with lighting of the lamp by Principal VKV Jirdin. Principal VKV Jirdin threw light on the significance of the day by conveying the importance of it and how all over the country it is being celebrated: mega programme going on in Rajasthan’s Kotha . He said how by devoting few minutes in Yoga can bring positive changes in students, by benefitting their health and mind by giving them the power of self-control of mind and body, besides making them more attentive and increasing their memory power and concentration. He gave the example of Swami Vivekananda, who had a very strong memory power who in true sense practiced yoga. He further told that it is also away to communicate with the Almighty. He wished everyone a fruitful International Yoga Day. And concluded that by doing yoga in our day to day world we will derive happiness, peace of mind and good health and will lead a disease free life. Followed by demonstration of Yoga by the Physical Instructor Sri. Dhanaji T.B, starting with three omkaras , jogging, loosening exercises, 12 times Surya namaskar and asanaslike tarasana,  ardhakaticakrasana ,padahastasana, trikonasana, parivrittatrikonasana,parsvakonasana ,vajrasana, sasankasana andpranayamas like kapalbharti,  Anuloma-Viloma, bhastrika , nadisuddhi, bhramari.Hosteller students from classes IV to X along with the teaching staff actively took part in performing various Yogaasanas and pranayamasmentioned above in the school playground. The programme was concluded with shanti mantra.

Day scholars from classes I to X also performed the yoga in the school hours inside the prayer hall to avoid the excess heat outside under the guidance of the Physical Instructor Sri. Dhanaji T.B. Around 150 day scholar students took part in it.



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