VKV Balijan conducted its Matri Puja on 13th February 2017 with sensitivity of great feeling and enthusiasm from students of class X along with their mothers in the school prayer hall during 10.00am to 12.40 pm. The day remained memorable by the activities and sharing the experiences. The program was overwhelmed by the presence of Sri. Krishna Kumar sir, Member of VKVs AP Trust who graced the occasion with his presence as resource for conducting puja and mentioning the significance of the day. Also Dr. Ravikant Altekar, retired Scientist of BARC India was also present during Matri Puja. The prayer hall was cleaned and decorated with multi-coloured rangoli and pictures prepared by children about Mother and baby.
The students along with their mother started arriving at venue at 9.00 am onward. All the students washed the feet of their mother and entered the hall after registration and offering the flowers to Bharat Mata’s portrait. Mothers were seated in chair and their wards at their feet for performing puja. The program began with Mangalacharan by the students. Smt. Shanti Manoharan, the Principal of VKV Balijan welcomed VKV Member and parents. It was followed by the group song – Ma Naman Karu… by the students of class X. Sri Krishna Kumar sir explained on importance of the day. He included following points :
- Mentioned two importance activities i.e. Utasarg Samaroh & Matri Puja for class X and cleared its meaning
- Explained the importance of mother in one’s life by her works
- Told the importance of value base education through VKVs and explained the difference between educated and literate.
- Cleared the concept of Sanatan Dharma ‘Matri devo bhava’, ‘Pitri devo bhava’, ‘Guru devo bhava’ and ‘Rastra devo bhava’.
- Mentioned Swami Vivekananda’s ideology- God is goodness and goodness is everywhere.
- Appealed everyone to know the meaning of mantras chanted in VKVs.
He also conducted the matripuja in a systematic way through vedic hymns & its meaning. He referred some slokas bof Adi Shankaracharya.
After the puja Km. Kangam Loya a student shared her experience in which most of them acknowledged the value of mother in one’s life. Even they felt sorry for their behavior towards mother and promised to do the best for mother. Nine parents also expressed their experience in which they mentioned:
- Never get such experience in their tribal community
- Felt the puja is essential to understand the mother
- Appealed all students to listen mother by comparing child as Egg while taking care
- Conveyed thanks to VKV for conducting such program mentioned it as the best Educational institute.
- Most of them advised students to study hard, listen teachers, as they are precious gifts for them on this earth.
Lastly Sri. Krishna Kumar sir expressed his delightful feelings to see the response of parent and student for matri puja. He requested all to follow this practice in their life and concluded the program with santhi path. 43 students’ mother out of 49 attended the Matri Puja. Also all teachers were present during the program.