Personal Development Camp was organized in school from 2nd October to 5th October 2017. Students from nearby Govt. Schools participated in it. There were 43 students of five schools (Govt. Higher Secondary Schools =14, Govt. Middle School, Lanka=12, Mahatma Gandhi Middle School Dufflagarh = 14, Govt. Middle School, Taraso = 01, V.K.V, Balijan= 02) attended the camp. After evening prayer, all the students were given chance to introduce themselves. Further, they were divided into three groups- Lohit, Siang and Subansiri.
Next day morning onwards, daily routine started with wake up at 5 am, pratahsmaran and yoga. All the students assembled at 8.30 for sessions. There were following sessions taken by senior teachers.
A.K Mishra sir took sessions on ‘Vivekananda Kendra’ ‘Motivational and Inspirational Stories and facts’. Sri Kusha Tanti sir inspired students on ‘carrier guidance and cancelling’ in his 2nd session. Sri Balasaheb Nagarale sir motivated students to build their personality in different fields like Physical, Mental, Intellectual, Emotional, and Spiritual. Smt Bijoya Pegu didi delivered a session on Personality Development as a girl child.
Students were given opportunities to present their views through group discussions on various topics like- Students role in Society, Importance of Study, Advantages and Disadvantages of mobile and internet, Importance of Library etc by Sri Sanjit Bhadury and Su Amken Gohain. Even they were given training through craft session, Sc. Laboratory and Library Utilization by Smt Bindu Paul, Smt Pushpalate Nagarale and Su Bulti Som. Moreover, students participated actively in prayer, games and sports, happy assembly under guidance of Su Jumpi Lona, Smt Anjali Das & Su Amken Gohain.
For valedictory function, Smt Taba Nampo- School Supporting Group Member and Public Leader of Balijan was invited as a chief guest. There were 10 teachers, 4 non- teaching staff and 43 students present in the function. Six students presented their camp experience in which they felt fortunate to participate and learned during this camp. Taba madam motivated and inspired the students to carry forward whatever they have learned through this camp and share the ideas to their friends. All the students departed to their respective schools by 11.30 am on 5th October’17.