VKV Balijan celebrated its Universal Brotherhood Day with great gusto and enthusiasm on the 11th of this month in the school premises during 10.30am to 12.40 pm. The day remained memorable by the cultural performance of students and the address of Chief Guest Shri. Tana Puna Tara, ZPM of Papumpare district, who graced the occasion as the chief Guest. The whole campus as well as prayer hall was cleaned and decorated with multi-coloured papers ,flags, wall Magazine and Exhibition  of pictures drawn by students.

The program began with lighting the lamp accompanied by Mangalacharan. The Principal spoke a few words to welcome the ZPM  and other guests. It was followed by Importance of the day from Sri Tana Tatup , Alumni and Vivekananda Kendra’s Karyakartha. There were ten cultural Programs, but  the hallmark of the function was the English Drama ‘Based on Nirjas Life’ presented by cl.V to X students which made 25% audience to cry.  The speech delivered by the chief guest was incredible to the celebration. He included following points :

  • Swami Vivekananda’s contribution in India’s upliftment
  • Mentioned the goal of Universal Brotherhood as Truth, Tolerance, and Peace
  • Made his speech impressive by Quotes of Swami Vivekananda regarding religion and God.
  • Advised parents to have a look on child’s life style, culture that is our identity, try to bring inner feelings of Swamijis essence in day to life.
  • Appealed everyone for our culture and tradition
  • Requested to study seriously the objectives of Universal Brotherhood and asked to convey the message
  • Appreciated VKVs contribution for the development of Arunachal Pradesh and felt happy to be inviting as the chief guest.
  • Privileged to learn Swamijis life and explained the story of Frog in a well.

The chief guest was delightful to address in front of crowd pulling hall in VKV and get wide applause from all. He lastly congratulated the principal and the staff for their excellent work in Balijan.

All VIP’s of Balijan who are the well-wishers and the supporting group members of school were invited and became happy to see the program in new hall. The program concluded with vote of thanks followed by Santhi path. Near about 600 parents with students and all teaching and non-teaching staff with family members participated in the program.




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Financial Assistance for VKVs