The students of class x conducted Guru Purnima Programme on 19th July 2016 with feeling of great sensibility and enthusiasm in the school prayer hall during 10:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The day remained memorable by the activities and sharing the views on Guru with stories along with immense feeling. The programme was overwhelmed by the presence of Sri Viod Tanti, Headmaster of Mahatma Gandhi Highschool Daflaghar who graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The complete programme was organized and executed systematically by the students of class X under the guidance of class teacher.
The following activities of class X students astonished all teachers :
- Making rangoli in front of each teacher’s quarter by flowers offered in the early morning
- The way they welcomed all teachers along with the guest by 30 plates of Arthi and applying tika at the gate of the prayer hall.
- The hall decorated with multi coloured flower rangoli, the board, rangoli in front of OM with small pieces of potato, sitting arrangement for all student class wise and for all teachers in front of them.
- Programme start with invocation, welcome address, significance of the day, seven students (Boys & girls) speech in Hindi and English on Guru, vote of thanks, end with santhi path and Prasad distribution to all were done systematically with maintaining silence by student in hall.
- Students of class X sang guru bhajan and all students’ class wise took blessings from teachers by touching their feet. The scene was beautiful and emotionally overwhelmed.
- Eight students’ speeches on guru included different incidents of Guru from Mahabharata, Ramayan, and Puranas.
- Vinod Tanti, the chief guest addressed the gathering in Hindi with Hymns. He included following points:
- Cleared the concept of Sanatan Dharma ‘Guru Devo Bhavo’
- Explained the meaning of Guru, types of Guru
- Narrated three stories to tell the importance of
- Appealed all students to respect teacher, follow their advice etc.
Sri Hrisikesh Sahu, Teacher (Sanskrit) VKV Balijan shared his ideas on Guru briefly. Smt Shanti Manoharan expressed her happy feelings by congratulating students for conducting progamme. All students from class I to X nearby 380 students and 16 teachers attended the programme, which became remarkable for all.