On 21st June 2021, A yoga session on the occasion of International Yoga Day 2021, was held in the school premises of VKV Balijan to encourage yoga as part of our daily life. The theme for this year International Yoga Day 2021is 'Yoga for well-being’. Participants of the session discussed how yoga has assumed much more significance during the COVID-19 pandemic & has emerged as a global trend, thepivotal role it plays in rejuvenating our mind and the body, leading to a healthier lifestyle. Instructor for this Yoga session were Mr. Sanjit Badhuri&Mr. Pankaj Rastogi. They have emphasised that Yoga not only provides physical and mental relaxation but also develops strength & resilience. The numerous benefits of Yoga make it a popular practice for people across the globe, especially in times of a pandemic when mental & physical health is under stress. A brief talk session was also conducted in which Ms Jumpi Lona highlighted how throughout the world the practice of Yoga can promote the holistic health of every individual. With the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbating psychological suffering and mental health problems, many people have been embracing Yoga to stay healthy and to fight isolation and depression. Yoga is also playing an important role in the psychosocial care and rehabilitation of COVID-19 patients in quarantine and isolation. Surya namaskar,Kapalabhati,Anulom-Viloma, Nadi Sodhana, Bhramri Pranayama were practiced during the session.