Iam glad to inform you that Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya Balijan celebrated Swami Vivekananda Jayanti as “National Youth Day” on 12th January 2021 at 11 am in the School premise wherein 62 parents, 65 students, 24 teaching and Non-teaching Staffs and 6 SSG members attended to witness the programme.
Sri Nabam Atung, JE, PHE, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Balijan Division graced the occasion as Chief Guest. While addressing the audience, he called up on the people to take up at least any one quote of Swami Vivekananda and try to imply it one’s life. Sri S.C Dixit, EO, Papumpare Cluster VKV APT Dibrugarh urged the people “ the celebration of Swamiji’s birthday will have a great impact, if we follow the footprint of Swami Vivekananda, rather limiting in a festive spirit.”
As a part of the programme, a colourful cultural programme was organised like local dance, patriotic song, patriotic drama etc. by the students of class IX and X, campus children and Snehavardhini group of VKV Balijan.
I, also would like to inform you that, to boost the morale of the class X students in the forthcoming CBSE Exam, the Hon’ble Chief Guest has announced a cash award of Rs 20,000/-, Rs 10,000/-, and Rs 5,000/- for those students who are going to place as first, second and third position respectively in the CBSE Exam 2020-21