VKV Balijan celebrated Republic Day on 26th January 2020 in the school campus with pride and patriotic zeal.  71st Republic Day celebration began with a huge procession in the early morning with band troupe.  Barring few students, the entire school attended in the morning procession.  Immediately after the morning procession, Sri. T.M. Sathian Principal VKV Balijan unfurled the National Flag at 7am in the midst of singing National Anthem. While addressing the students and other staff members, he recalled the contribution of freedom fighters to set India free from the British yoke. “Republic means, a country where people acts as supreme power and elect their own representatives without the interference of outside forces”, he said.

The programme ended with a patriotic song sung by Class X students, “Desh hame detha hai sabb kuch………”

I am happy to inform you that the entire VKV Balijan family also attended in the public function at Balijan Public ground wherein our Band troupe’s, March Past and PT display students’ exemplary performance won the hearts of every walk of life.




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