VKV Balijan observed Sadhana Divas, Sri Eknathji Jayanti by conducting various activities in the school. As a part of the programme, Sri Amitava Mondal spoke on the significance of the day in the morning assembly followed by a group song sung by our students, "Vandana abhinandana dev....". "He was a karmayogi, dedicated to selfless seva and was embodiment of many to get inspired," he said. In the last part of the assembly, all the students and staff paid rich tribute to the great soul by offering flowers to the portrait of Eknathji.

In this connection the school has organised a patriotic song competition housewise in junior category(Cl- VI-VIII) in prayer hall followed by Kendra varga Classwise, guided by class teacher. The Topic for the discussion of kendra varga in all the classes was " Sri Eknathji Ranade and Vivekananda Rock Memorial."




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs