VKV Balijan celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day, today in the school premises. Sri. Tana Hali Tara, Hon’ble MLA , 14 Doimukh Constituency has graced the occasion  as Chief Guest.  While addressing the public and students, the Hon’ble MLA called on the students to take inspiration from the life of Swami Vivekananda. “He is the real icon of Indian Youth.  His teaching has still relevance in this present critical juncture”, he said.  Sri. Tasso Gambo, ADC Balijan Division also attended the programme as Guest of Honour.  At the outset,  Sri. T.M. Sathian, Principal VKV Balijan formally welcomed all the guests, parent and other invitees.

The school submitted a memorandum to the MLA for infrastructural development of the school like digging a new bore well and constructing an over tank it and building a  washroom for boys and girls separately. Sri. Tana Hali Tara MLA assured to provide all possible assistance and directed to school to start the works on itself without involving other outside agencies.

I would like to inform you that the Block Development Officer Balijan, Sri. Rome Milo, an Ex-VKVan donated 55 numbers of books consist of the life story of great personalities of India, various reference books related with competitive examinations, novels , science and Sports and Games items etc. through the Hon’ble MLA on behalf of Balijan Block.

In addition, the Hon’ble MLA announced a cash prize of Rs. 75,000/- & Rs.25,000/-  for those students who are adjudged as the first and second in Essay Writing Competition in School Level every year during his MLA tenureship.
In the last pages of the celebration, the students of VKV Balijan showcased wonderful cultural programmes before a well attendant audience.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs