This time, we have celebrated the Universal Brotherhood Day programme outside from our school campus at the Multipurpose Hall at Hayuliang Town. As per the Govt. Administrative orders, only 50 people were allowed to attend the gathering. So we have invited only 50 members including our Well Wishers, School Supporting Group members , Arun Jyoti Karyakartas and few selected parents for the programme. Sri. Sotailum Bellai (ADC, Hayuliang) was the Hon'ble Chief Guest and Sri. O.P. Chaubey (APO, Hayuliang) graced the programme as Guest of Honour. Both the Hon'ble Chief Guest & Guest of Honour spoke about the thoughts and ideas of Swami Vivekananda in an elaborate way. They said that Swamiji's thoughts and ideas are very relevant in this modern time. Sri. Mritunjay Dubey(Teacher) spoke about the life and message of Swami Vivekananda in Hindi. He narrated the contributions of Swamiji towards the reformation of our Bharat towards Jagatguru. Our Class: X students presented a patriotic song. It was a small programme but a good programme.Thus the Universal Brotherhood Day programme of this year was celebrated successfully with great joy.