VKV Gaga has celebrated the 8th International Day of Yoga on 21st June at the general ground near ADC office.As the tradition the programme started with three omkaras followed by Aikya Mantra. A mass Yoga display was performed on the general ground with the help of ADC,Kurung Kumey circle, teachers and other staff members of VKV Gaga and nearby Nyapin villagers. The chief guest was Sri.Otam Jamoh, ADC, Kurung Kumey circle. During the address of chief guest he explained the importance of Yoga in our daily life. He added it increases flexibility, builds muscle strength and concentration. Importance of Yoga day told by Sri. Vijay Rai, teacher VKV Gaga. All participants enthusiastically performed warming exercises, Yogasanas, Breathing exercises, Pranayama and Meditation. Sri. Vijay Rai, teacher of VKV Gaga was yoga instructor. Total 68 members participated.



Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs