Universal Brotherhood Day is being celebrated at VKV Koloriang on 11th September 2019 at school auditorium hall with great pomp and show to mark the 126th anniversary of the Historic Chicago Speech of Swami Vivekananda in the World Religion of Parliament on 11th September 1893, in USA. Sri Kuldip Raj, Sub Inspector,CRPF, Koloriang Unit was the Chief Guest of the program. In his address, the Chief Guest remarks “It is the right time for the students to gain knowledge as much as possible from their teachers and in the schooling days. It is also the right time to inculcate brotherhood feeling among oneself to promote peace and harmony in the society, nation and the whole world”. There were various literary and cultural programs as a part of the occasion. The program was attended by EO Sri S. Muralidharan, Parents, well wishers, SMC members, teachers and students.