VKV Koloriang has conducted ‘Talent Show Program’ in the school auditorium on 14th July 2018. Students of Primary classes performed various literary and cultural activities such as Multiplication table recitation, Hindi Kavita Recitation (in Group), Quiz, Rhymes with action, Local Group Dance and Patriotic song.

Dr. Honjon Perme, Circle Officer, Koloriang  and Smti. Toku Natung, Field Officer,District Disaster Management Office, Koloriang were the Chief  Guest  and Guest of Honour respectively. Chief Guest in his speech told ‘Education is not only the transfer of knowledge but the training of mind and heart’. He motivated the students to acquire more and more knowledge and also encouraged to cultivate good habits from the young age itself. The program was attended by the parents of primary classes, members of School Management Committee, well wishers, teachers, students and family members. Total attendance was 385.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs