VKV Dollungmukh conducted a one day Sadgamaya Shibir 04.10.2016 by drawing the participants from the Government Middle School (Sipu School), Kalaptukar, who were of Class VI and VII.

The entire Shibir was conducted by utilising the inmates of the Vidyalaya as resource persons for the various activities of the Shibir. All the resource persons made a remarkable task in their respective topics and fields and instilled the right things in the minds of the participants. The participants were engaged with a variety of activities like lectures on specific topics mentioned above, screening of video clippings of the serial on Swami Vivekananda and his world historical speech at the World Parliament of Religions held at Chicago in USA, video clippings on the construction of Vivekananda Rock Memorial.

In addition to these as a part of exposing their potentialities, memory test, group discussion, and variety of indoor games were the part of the routine of the day. They were also taught patriotic songs and bhajan on Donyi Polo. It was a good beginning as the Vidyalaya had hosted the Shibir for the first time and it is observed to be a successful one.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs