Indian Space Research Organisation has launched a special programme for School Children called “Young Scientist Programme” “YUva VIgyani KAryakram” (युविका) from the year 2019. The second session of the programme is scheduled to be held during the month of May 2020.
For this programme the list of provisionally selected candidates had been released on 10th March 2020. From VKV NEEPCO Yazali, Kr.Arnav Saikia and Kr.Adithya Kumar of class IX got selected in the first stage of screening. After certificate verification process the selected students will be trained in Northern Eastern Space Applications Centre, Shillong from 11th May, 2020 to 22nd May, 2020.
The Program is primarily aimed at imparting basic knowledge on Space Technology, Space Science and Space Applications to the younger ones with the intent of arousing their interest in the emerging areas of Space activities. This Program will include invited talks, experience sharing by the eminent scientists, facility and lab visits, exclusive sessions for discussions with experts, practical and feedback sessions.