Techi Nancy, a VII standard student made her school VKV Neepco Yazali extremely proud this year. She impressed the judges in the state level ‘Innovation Festival’ with her extraordinary innovative idea & secured the place among the top five students from the state of Arunachal Pradesh. The selected students are going to participate in the National Level Innovation Festival-2020. On 25 to 26th January State Council for Science & Technology, a wing of Science & Technology Department , Government of Arunachal Pradesh organised the said festival in linkage with National Innovation Foundation(NIF). Sri Ameya A. Abhayankar ,IAS, Secretary, Science & Technology Department of Arunachal Pradesh was present as the Chief Guest of the programme.The dignitaries like C.D. Mungyak(Director, State council of Science & Technology,Arunachal Pradesh),Dr.Sanjeev Mazumder(Secretary NIF Delhi),Dr. Nitin Maurya (Coordinator,North East NIF),Dr. Bhula Choudury(Director,Bio-Tech Park,Guwahati),Dr. Rajeev Milli(Coordinator NIF Arunachal Pradesh) were present in that festival. Among the ten state level participants from different districts of the state Nancy was there with her unique model, ‘A School Bag Attached with Umbrella’. According to Nancy the idea is a simple way to reduce hassles of carrying umbrella separately. If anybody accepts the model can walk freehand when school bag & umbrella both are required at a time.