‘Sadgamaya Shibir’ on 28th December 2019 ,Saturday at the school library hall where the students from neighboring Government Secondary school(Pitapool) actively participated. As per VKV’s traditions the programme was started with Mangalacharan. Sri K.K.Subramanian, the Principal of the organising school welcomed the participants & their escort teachers. Later a chorus Shibir geet was sung guided by Sri Chayan Sarkar, music teacher. Afterwards main sessions were started where all the seventeen participants(standard VII-VIII) came to know about Vivekananda Kendra & its activities. They also learned interesting mathematics, glorious history of India, craft work, music, new games, etc. One documentary film on Cultural heritage of Arunachal Pradesh was shown to the students.The teachers like Sri Kalyanam Bharadwaj , Sri Anand Mohan Mishra, Sri Dhrubajyoti Nath,Smt. Mridu Boruah, Sri Padmanabhan V.P. , Sri Chayan Sarkar , Sri Jaikihan Jaiswal & Sri Sumit Dhar took all the sessions successfully. In the evening during valedictory function certificates of appreciation were distributed to the participants and the escort teachers were felicitated by the Principal. Sri Badri N. Mishra, Teacher gave vote of thanks. The whole programme was concluded with Shanti Mantra.