Samatha Bharat Parva started on 26th December 2019 and concluded on 12th January in the school premises.During morning assembly there was one speaker (Teachers) daily to speak about able and efficient Bharat.They spoke about the contribution of science,literature,social science,socio religious culture,women ,yoga e.t.c. and made the Parva very meaning ful and interesting.There was a wall magazine about the contribution of India in various field. Students also sang different patriotic songs daily. Principal inaugurated the Parva with his speech on 26th December 2019.After that teachers by rotation continued the speeches daily in different topics.On 11th January 2019 ,arati the Bharat Mata was performed by the students along with Vandemataram song. Each class students sang many patriotic songs on 9th January and enjoyed the festival of patriotic songs.