Swami Vivekanada Jayanthi was celebrated in the premises of VKV,NEEPCO,YAZALI on 12th January 2020.Sri Paresh Burman,H.O.P.RHEP,NEEPCO graced the occasion as a chief guest.The Circle Officer,Sri Tashi Thongdak,Pitapool and Sri Swagat Das,DGM(HR),RHEP also present in the occasion as guest of honour. Parents, students, well wishers and public comprising 500 people participated in the celebration.Sri K.K.Subramanian,Principal welcomed the audience by highlighting the relevance of swamij’s teachings and message even in this 21st centuary.Sri Anand Mohan Mishra,Teacher spoke about the significance of the day.Students also presented a beautiful cultural show on the occasion. Sri Kalyanam Bharadwaj,Teacher gave vote of thanks 




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs