VKV Neepco Yazali has conducted a parent's meet for class V and VIII today on Wednesday at the school assembly hall. Meeting was started at 4.00 p.m. Sri KK Subramanian, the Principal of the school welcomed the parents with a short speech. He described how the trio collaboration or coordination among the students-parents and teachers make positive input to the students. Class teachers of respective classes gave a brief report of their classes. They discussed about the potentialities of the students to uplift their academic result. Sri Sri Prabin Boruah , briefed about the new pattern of examinations which will be conducted by the state Government. Sri Kalyanam Bharadwaj informed the parents about the activities of 'Ek Bharat , Vijayi Bharat', a nationwide contact drive of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari. In this connection a documentary film on Vivekananda Rock Memorial also was shown to the gathering. Total 63 parents participated and shared their opinions in that particular meet.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs