On 12th November 2019, Twenty (20) Students from class XI and XII were taken for Field trip to visit Ranganadi Hydro Electric Power plant – Hoj Powerhouse. Students with Two guide teachers Sri.Kameshwaran.M and Su.Jyoti Prava Engty departed from VKV Neepco,Yazali at 8.15 A.M and reached the Hoj powerhouse at 9.30 A.M. The objective of this trip is to expose students to the practical knowledge about the generation of electricity in hydroelectric power plant. Three electricity generation units were there in the power house (3 x 135 MW). The Engineer Sri.Gogoi who is working there in the power plant, explained each and every units and its functionalities to the students. Students were taken to each stages of electricity generation which are located in different floors in power house. Students asked so many queries and they understood practically how the hydroelectric power plant generates electricity. This field trip was very useful for the students to gain practical knowledge related to electricity like Generation of electricity, Transformers, Turbines, Transmission lines and SCADA Systems.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs