A parents meeting was conducted for the class- XI parents on 27/08/2018 at 10.20 am. A total number of 13 parents out of 15 students attended the meeting. Sri Manoj Nath, class teacher did welcome to every one. Sri D.N.Nath (ST) told the significance of such meeting. Sri B.B.Bal explained the importance and role of parents in teaching learning process. 5 parents gave their feedback.

The following points were also discussed in the meeting.

  1. Issue of Identity cards to the students
  2. Issue of progress reports after every test
  3. Immediate SMS to parents in case of absentee
  4. Proper use of Mobile Internet
  5. Formation of peer groups among students
  6. Involvement in all school activities
  7. Bringing Tiffin every day by students

The meeting was concluded with ‘Shanti Mantra’ at 11.30 am.




Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs