Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya NEEPCO Yazali celebrated International Mother Language Day on Wednesday at the school campus. A special cultural programme was conducted by the students of class VIII as a part of celebration. After the school Prayer Asha Kumari delivered school pledge in her mother tongue. K.T. Khibina delivered a thought in Naga Language from Naga folk-tale. Biswajit Sonowal presented todays’ news in Assamese . Afterwards Joram Seth & Kodha Sangte presented an audience - quiz programme in Nyishi Language. Tao Yanam gave a short speech on the topic ‘Importance of International Mother Language Day in the North-Eastern region of the country’. She recalled , how the Bangladeshi people struggled to get recognition of Bengali language as an official language instead of Urdu. How people died for Mother language. In this regard she described the role of UNESCO to declare the day 21 February as ‘International Mother Language Day’ to promote the preservation & protection of all languages in the earth. She Mentioned, ‘Now a days the tribal languages are endangered because of dominance of western culture. That’s why this is the day to realize the importance of mother language. We have to take an oath to protect our own culture & heritage.’ At the end of the programme a Nyishi song was performed by the students Taba Yakar,Yowa Jiri,Taba Yopu,Tassar Ania, Bengia sumpi, Nabam Yalam,Taba Nania, Reshmajyoti Nath & Nich Yaha. Two teachers of VKV NEEPCO Yazali , Chayan Sarkar & Prasanta Puzari used various musical instruments to add the beauty of the song.




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