
Chief Guest: Dr. Techi Upen Tara , Principal,Yachuli Govt. College

Lighting the Lamp by : Chief Guest

Invocation : Students of Class VI

Welcome Speech by :  Smt. Rita Raj Principal,VKV, NEEPCO,Yazali

Speech on Significance of the Camp :Sri Prasanta Puzari Teacher ,VKV , NEEPCO,Yazali

Felicitation of the Guest by: Smt. Rita Raj Principal,VKV, NEEPCO,Yazali

Shivir Geet Guided by: Sri Chayan Sarkar Teacher ,VKV , NEEPCO,Yazali

Address on the Topic ‘Ideal Student’ by  : The Chief Guest       

Vote of thanks by :Sri Ramendra Prasad Tiwari Teacher ,VKV , NEEPCO,Yazali


Guest: Sri Anand Mohan Mishra Cluster In-Charge VKVs , Lower Subansiri

Resource Persons: Sri Raju Mishra(Hindi) VKV Sher

      Sri Jai Prakash Jaisi(Social Studies)VKV Ziro

     Sri Amar Nath Sahani (Mathematics) VKV Ziro

     Sri Ajay Kr. Sitha(Science) VKV Ziro

     Sri Kalyan Dutta(English) VKV Ziro

Shanti Path by : Students

Shivir Geet guided by : Sri Chayan Sarkar Teacher ,VKV , NEEPCO,Yazali

Valedictory in Presence of:

Speech by: Sri Anand Mohan Mishra

Experience Sharing by the students : Tao Rija, Megha Raj

Speech by : Smt. Rita Raj, Principa VKV Yazali

Vande Mataram sung by : Students  & Teachers  




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Financial Assistance for VKVs