Programme : Sadgamaya Shivir(One Day Personality Development Camp)

Conducted by : VKV, NEEPCO, Yazali

Date & Time : 3rd October, 2017 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Chief Guest : Sri Arup Kumar Sharma (HOP, NEEPCO, RHEP)

Guest of Honour : Sri Mohan Kumhar( Senior Manager ,NEEPCO,RHEP)

Participation : 65 students( Boys 32 & Girls 33) from 3 different Schools Viz Abotani Academy(Peni),Bath Heli Memorial Academy(Yazali) & Government Secondary School(Pitapool).


Inauguration :

1.Lighting the Lamp & Shanti Path by : The Chief Guest & The Students of VKV ,NEEPCO,Yazali.

2.Welcome Speech by : Sri T.M. Sathian , Vice Principal, VKV, NEEPCO, Yazali.

3.Falicitation to the Guests by : The Vice Principal, VKV, Yazali.

4.Speech by : The Guest of Honour .

5.Speech by : The Chief Guest.

6.Shivir Geet by : Sri Chayan Sarkar(Teacher ,VKV Yazali) with the participating students of various


7. Vote of Thanks by : Sri Ramendra Prasad Tiwari(Teacher,VKV, Yazali).

Sessions :

1.Topic-‘Swami Vivekananda & Vivekananda Kendra’ ,by : Sri Badri Narain Mishra(Teacher,VKV Yazali).

2.Topic-‘Personality Development & Key to success ’ , by : Sri Prashanta Puzari(Teacher,VKV Yazali).

3. Topic-‘My Role as a Student’ , by : Sri DhrubaJyoti Nath(Teacher,VKV Yazali).

4. Audio Visual Programme by : Sri Anupam Dey & Sri Pintoo Debnath(Teachers ,VKV Yazali).

Valedictory :

1.Shivir Geet by: The Participating Students.

2.Felicitation to the Escort Teachers from invited Schools by : The Vice Principal,VKV Yazali.

3. Experience Sharing by : The Participating Students.

4.Concluding Speech by : The Vice Principal,VKV Yazali.

5. Concluded with ‘Shanti Mantra’ by : All.




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