In observing National Mathematics Day on 22nd December, the birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan, a great mathematic genius of India and to celebrate his work in mathematics, VKV Roing organised Mathematics Exhibition to encourage students to understand mathematics more interestingly and also to build confidence in them the different skills and concepts of the subject. Students from Class IV to XI took part in the exhibition and showcased their wonderful and amazing models on the theme: 1. Contribution of Indians to world mathematics 2. Crypt Arithmetic 3. Application of trigonometry in day to day life 4. Geotechnical interpretation of algebraic identities 5. Fun & Facts in Mathematics 6. Mathematics Puzzle 7. Contribution of Ramanujan in the field of Mathematics 8. Vedic Mathematics etc.
There were 378 exhibits; still and working models and charts brought out by nearly 500 students under the able guidance of mathematics teachers of the school. The occasion was inaugurated by Sri P M Unnikrishnan, the Education Officer, VKV APT at 10 am followed by a welcome speech given by Ku Juhi Das, a Class XI student highlighting the life and contribution of Sri Srinivasa Ramanujan to the field of world mathematics. Smt. Shilpi Dasgupta, the Head of the Department, Mathematics cum organiser of the Exhibition made her announcement that this was kept to provide an exposure to the students for activity based learning and their interest towards mathematics. In his address, Sri Unnikrishnan Sir, the Chief Guest appreciated the students on their participation with some ideas and skills and also encouraged them to keep on learning by doing the things which interest them. He moreover expressed his state of wholesomeness being the part of this programme. He made rounds the exhibition accompanied by the teachers to appreciate the hard work put in by the students in their models and charts.
While moving around, Chief Guest, teachers and students of different classes asked questions based on their models and presentation, and participants got opportunities to express their thoughts which were admired by all.
There was a team of teachers who judged all the models along with their presentation and
promised to award best ten models in the groups separately. It was indeed an exhibition
which gave them exposure and confidence to present their thoughts and mind.