VKV Roing organized Amrit Parivar Milan involving families of students and staff on 18th Dec 2021 in School Auditorium which has been added a new feature in its activity calendar this year in order to strengthen and uphold family tradition and culture in this technology driven era.

There were 22 families of parents and 21 families of teachers, a grand total of 101 members registered and took part in Amrit Parivar Milan. Smt. Dr. Manaya Mena, a social activist, educationalist, moreover, VKV Alumni and Sri P K Pandey, CIC of Lohit Cluster had been invited to grace the occasion as the Chief Guest and Guest Speaker respectively.

Sri Prasanta Puzari, the Principal of the School welcomed and greeted all the invitees and threw light on the concept of Amrit Parivar which has been penetrating in Indian’s life since time immemorial. Amrit Parivar denotes eternity and immortality. It was that binding and deep rooted foundation we have been standing upon which no invaders could destroy us. Our rich family culture is the testimony to Sanatan Dharma and each member of the family is a Sanatani. He also added Parivar Milan, this year, is the beginning and it will continue every year inviting and encompassing more number of families.

 The Guest Speaker, Sri P K Pandey elucidated the purpose of conducting such programme by Vivekananda Kendra not only in Arunachal Pradesh but also in the branch centers across the country. In his reflections, he incorporated the life of Swami Vivekananda and the MEN MAKING NATION BUILDING mission of Vivekananda Kendra in correlating with some similar aspects of Arunachali families and societies.  

A group discussion session and presentation by group leaders, initiated by Sri Suresh Kr Behera, a senior teacher of the school, was specified to the groups on the given four topics on the theme ‘Amrit Parivar’.

  1. “Essence of Amrit Parivar for preservation of tradition and culture’’
  2. “Elders’ role in Amrit Parivar”
  3. “Role of Amrit Parivar for the progress and prosperity of India’
  4. “Responsibility of Amit Parivar for Clean Environment”

The Chief Guest, Dr. Manaya Mena, summarized all the discussion points shared by the group members. She expressed her gratitude being the part of this unique occasion. Through such type of programme, we can protect our age old family culture which we inherited from our past generation from the verge of extermination. Moreover, she appreciated Vivekananda Kendra for organizing such type of meaningful programme which is in the need hour and this was a right platform too for all those selected families to attend.

There was a geet session led by Sri Rishi Kr Das, music teacher of the school which enchanted the atmosphere with pious and patriotism fervour. Families enjoyed playing games which were organized by some teachers headed by Sri M S Shastri, a senior teacher of the school.The event winded up by vote of thanks followed by shanti mantra led by Sri Rajib Saikia, a teacher of the school.




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