Captain Ipupu Mena, an ex-student of VKV Roing of the session 2011-2012 interacted with our students (205 Nos) from class IX to XII in school auditorium.

Captain Mena is now holding the position as a captain in corps of Engineers, Indian Army. She became the first Indian Army officer from the Idu Mishmi tribe inspired by Kargil War Hero Major General G D Bakshi whom she listened in Vijay Hi Vijay program in Dibrugarh. She motivated the students with her experience in various competitions and training during her career.
Students must be self-motivated, focused and be ready to give his/her 100% whole hearted effort to achieve desired goal. VKV, s has made her foundation to be a captain with honesty and dedication. The disciplined life and opportunities VKV provide her during school life were the base of her success, she says.
Captain Mena motivated our students to introspect in order to find one’s field of interest and goal particularly in this period of life. To serve our mother land the most important requirement is to be a good human being. One must focus on overall growth with knowledge and courage -Captain Mena added.
She answered many questions asked by the students which inspired them all.




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