Cluster- Lohit
Venue- VKV Roing
Duration- 02.09.2019 to 03.09.2019
Inaugrated by-Sri Yashik Pertinji, Ex Vkvian.
Number of School participated 4 (VKV Roing, VKV Sunpura, VKV Tezu & VKV Amliang)
Number of Football teams- 4 (VKV Roing, VKV Sunpura, VKV Tezu & VKV Amliang)
Number of Volleyball teams-3 (VKV Roing, VKV Sunpura, & VKV Amliang)
Number of Matches- 6 Football, 3 Volleyball
Number of participants- 83 students + 3 Escorts + 1 Driver (Aml)
Winner of Football- VKV Roing
Winner of Volleyball- VKV Amliang.
Concluded by - Sri P K PandeyJi, CIC Lohit



Financial Assistance for VKVs

Financial Assistance for VKVs