With great enthusiasm and gaiety,universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated at VKV Tafrogam. The programme started at 11:30 am,after the programme of Vivekananda Kendra at Kanyakumari ,where MananeeyaBalakrishnanji,the present president of Vivekananda Kendra and Rock Memorial at kanyakumari,shared his thoughts and messages to the large audience across the country.Thestaffs of VKV Tafrogam could become the part of this mega event.

In our school level celebration,MadamNyamiTayang,the wife of (Late) Agriculture minister of Arunachal Pradesh cabinet and the co-founder V.K.V. Tafrogam, Sri Sobeng I Tayangwas the chief guest.School Supporting group members, few parents (Alumni),students and school staff became the part of this remarkable event. Principal ShanthiManoharanwelcome the guestalso the Cluster incharge of Lohit District Sri Pradip Kumar Pandey addressed the

and spoke about Ek Bharat VijayiBharat.Significano of the day was spoken by Smt. AchinaChiba,alumni of VKV Tafrogam.Chief guest Smt.NayamiTayang remembered the starting of school VKV Tafrogam by her husband Sri SobengTayang.She recalled her days with our DidisManeenyaAparnadi,Manda di and Rekha di in the beginning of the school.

Sitting arrangements was made with norms of social distancing.There were selected patriotic songs and imitations of Swamiji’s Chicago address videos which were made and sent by our students from class VI to X and class IV and V students draw sent the picture of swami Vivekananda were presented during this programme by Power Point presentation.Also one patriotic song was sung by our staff.Vote of thanks given by Sri Shanmukhan P. Programme ended with Shanti Mantra.After the programme,tea and snacks were served for the participants in the Hall. .Parents and school supporting group members expressed their satisfaction and joy in the conduct of this Programme.




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Financial Assistance for VKVs