The Sadgamaya shibir for the students studying in class VI,VII and VIII, other than VKVs was conducted for one day on 27th October 2018. A total number of 34 students from three different schools from Basar attended the camp. The strength was less as many students has not reported in their respective schools after mid term break.
In the morning students reached the school escorted by some teaching staffs of the school. The participants of the camp assembled in the classroom at 8:00 am. Fore mostly self introduction was done by the participants and then the faculty team of the school. Next they were divided into four groups – Siang, Lohit, Subansiri, and Kameng group and then guided about the routine to be followed for the whole day.
The programme started with the Inaugural ceremony by Smt.Margam Sora (Art of living Basar) by lightning of the lamp followed by Invocation.
Principal VKV Basar gave her welcome address and spoke on the importance of the camp. How VKV renders time to time its service to the community by such camps. She also emphasized that through the camp ones personality gets developed instilling good values and knowledge for the all round development of an individual.
Felicitation of the resource person was done by Principal VKV Basar . Resource person for the programme were Smt.Margam Sora (Yoga instructor,Art of living), Sri Satish Kour (Sub- Inspector of medical department, ITBP Basar), Sri Marken Doke (Donyi polo Basar).
Shibir Geet was Dharm ke liye Jiye ....... was lead and followed with the feeling to ignite patriotism in them.
Session I (Yoga)
Yoga session was taken by Smt. Margam Sora (Yoga instructor, Art of living) where students were taught loosening exercise, Surya Namaskar and various exercise, Meditation, anger and stress management.
Session II (Health and Hygiene)
Health and hygiene session was taken by Sri Satish Kour (Sub- inspector of medical department, ITBP Basar). He explained the meaning of health and hygiene – how to take care of our body parts- explained digestive system and Respiratory system – Regarding balance diet and drinking water – regular exercise is essential – Disinfected – Cross ventilation – Isolation – First Aid – Burn infection and prevention.
Session III (Indigenous faith and culture)
Indigenous faith and culture was taken by Sri Marken Doke from Donyi polo Basar. He discussed some points on speech and quotations of Swami Vivekananda – Defination of Indigenous - Origination – Donyi poloism – Regarding faith in culture – how to maintain our culture – how culture plays an important role in our life.
Session IV by Su. Keni Hokom told that we need to know about our great ancestors like : Swami Vivekananda – and briefed life of Swamiji , his mothers influence on him, meeting of his guru Sri Rama Krishna Paramhansa, his love for motherland India and sat in meditation looking into the past, present and future of India. How he went aboard and represented India in the parliament of religions – how sister Nivedita came to India and opened many girl’s school in the India- how his personality impressed Eknathji, the founder of Vivekananda kendra to construct the Rock memorial and establish VKV schools in Arunachal Pradesh. Many incidents from the life of Swamiji were told making the session lively and interesting to the children rousing their curiosity to know about swamiji.
Session V Geet Session by Su. Junu Gogoi. Session was taken practicing Shibir geet and the patriotic song.
Session VI Quiz Round was organized where different sort of question round were there. Children were excited about it. Very enthusiastically they participated in it.
Session VII (Games) Different types of games were introduced to students. Children enjoyed the games.
Session VIII Feedback forms were given to all the participants to give their feedback of the camp. Participants of every house gave their feedback and requested principal didi to organize some more camps in future and expressed their willingness to attend for the second time if any. It really made us feel good and think that this camp had been successful and fruitful.