Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Roing observed the “National Youth Week from 12th January to 19th January ‘2015. Various literary activities, Mass cleaning drive, social awareness campaign regarding “Stop use of polythene bags”, marathon race followed by cultural programme.
Programme Officer Shri Bijit Paul a teacher VKV, Roing and student of class XI (Sc) contributed a lot for the success of such observation.
The various activities done during the week under NSS, VKV, Roing Unit – date wise given below:
On 12th January’2015
Procession – by various schools of Roing Township i.e. Government Middle School – Roing, Mayu, Cheta, Divine Word School, Intaya Public School participated in the procession.
Commandant of ITBP, Shri Omni Kant was the chief guest of the programme and delivered a very good speech regarding the role of youth.
First time in VKV Roing Girls Band troops shows their performance during the procession by wearing their Band uniform. It was appreciated by all.
Nearly 3000 students and 100 teachers participated in the procession followed by Grade IV staffs of VKV Roing in other activities.
On 13th January’2015
Morning assembly speech topic regarding the “Role of youth for developing the Nation” was kept from 13th January to 19th January’2015 which was presented by class – XI (Sc) student date wise.
On 13th January’2015 morning assembly speech delivered by Km. Divya Ramdin – Topic – “Role of Youth in present era”.
Essay writing competition was held during 7th and 8th period for class VI to X –
Topic- “My contribution towards the nation”
All students of class VI to X participated in the Essay writing completion and prizes also kept for the same.
On 14th January’2015
Mass cleaning drive was kept on this day for cleaning of School campus for class X, XI, and XII. All students done very good work which will reflect in the work experience criteria of Co – Scholastic activities.
Shri L.D. Singh, Shri S Mahapatro and Shri Bijit Paul were also took part in it.
On 15th January’2015
Morning assembly speech by Km. Mahima Srivastava (XI Sc) – Topic “ Yuva Shakti”
Extempore speech was held for class VIII and IX during 7th and 8th period.
On 16th janyuary’2015
Morning assembly speech by KR. Agam Lego (XI Sc) Topic – “ Success and its Element”
Quiz completion was conducted for class VII and VIII during 7th and 8th period.
Debate completion was also kept for class IX and X-
Topic for class IX – “Medium of education should be Hindi” (Against the motion {English} and for the motion {Hindi})
Topic for class X – “Purpose of Education is to feed ourselves or to gain knowledge”
On 17th January’ 2015
Morning assemble speech by Kr. Mito Moyong (XI Sc.) – Topic- “Student and discipline”
Social awareness campaign was held after 4th period outside the campus i.e. new colony Roing for “Stop use of polythene bags” door to door campaign. Shri Bijit Paul and Xi student took part in it.
On 18th January ‘2015(Sunday)
Marathon race was held for class IX, X and XI.
Time: 5.30 am reporting
Marathon race begun – 6.00 am
Teacher also took part in it – Shri Bijit Paul, Shri LD Singh, and Shri R.K Prasad.
100% participation of students was observed for marathon race.
On 19th January – 2015(Closing ceremony of National youth Week)
On this date a small cultural programme was held during 5th and 6th period with the help of Shri Bijit Paul and Class Xi Student and class VIII to X were called for attend the programme.
Chief guest Shri B.R. Das, senior teacher in History, of Government Higher Secondary School, Bolung was called for the closing ceremony of “National Youth Week” observation.
Programme was followed by cultural Dance, song.
Welcome address by Shri Bijit Paul
Speech by Chief Guest Shri B.R. Das regarding “Achievement of India and role of Swami Vivekananda in Nation building”.
Distribution of prizes and NSS certificate of participation.
Vote of thanks by Shri Tripur Sir.