Gurupurnima, a meaningful and significant festival of VKVs in Arunachal Pradesh was celebrated at VKV Roing to reminisce and honour all those great rishis who had been transmitting the essence of Vedic vision and principles of Sanatan Dharma to the generation. This day is also called VyasPurnima as Sage Vyas was born on this full moon day who compiled all the four Vedas, composed Mahabharata, eighteen purans and Brahmasutra. It was his effort to pass the tradition of knowledge through Guru-Sishyaparampara.
To mark the day, VKV Roing observed it in the school auditorium involving its staff, family members and, students and parents through virtual mode. There were 34 present including teachers and students during day time celebration. In the evening there wasbhajansandhyawhere 46members were present including residential staff and family, and 32 students and parents joined through online mode. It was altogether 78 attendance who participated in the event.
The event took place at 9: 30am with the invocation prayer. Sri PrasantPujari, the Principal of the school addressed the gathering with his short speech. He emphasized on the meaning of guru and his role in one’s life. This is followed by guru vandana and guru bhajanwhich were led by Sri Rishi Kr Das, the music teacher of the school and accompanied by the instrument player,Sri AnupamDey. Sri M S Shastri spoke on the occasion highlighting the contribution Sage Vyasto the mankind.
Students were given away prizes on English Story Reading competition, and medals and certificates for online bhajan competition systematized on the occasion of Gurupurnima. There was swadhaya on the letter of MananeeyaNiveditadidi led by Sri Suresh Kr Behera and all the teachers actively took part in the discussion and chintan.
The programme ended with the universal prayer followed by Kendra prayer.
In the evening at 6 pm,teachers, family members attended bhajansandhya. Students, parents and some well-wishers also joined us through virtual mode. There was an atmosphere of serenity and solemnity around the auditorium hall.